Chalciope was the daughter of Eurypylus, king of the island of Cos. Heracles fell in love with Chalciope. When Eurypylus refused to give her up, Heracles killed him. Since then, the king visited his daughter every night in her sleep…
Nacht und Träume
Heil’ge Nacht, du sinkest nieder!
Nieder wallen auch die Träume,
Wie dein Mondlicht durch die Räume,
Durch der Menschen stille Brust.
Die belauschen sie mit Lust,
Rufen, wenn der Tag erwacht:
Kehre wieder heil’ge Nacht.
Night and dreams
Holy night, you are sinking down;
Dreams too are floating down,
Like your moonlight through the rooms,
Through the silent breasts of people,
Who eavesdrop on them with pleasure;
They call, when day awakes:
Come back, holy night.